I Found a Great Free Game 2 : Coffee Shop

Today, I'm going to show you a great game. 

It's free and it's also great for learning about Business.
You can play it for free here 

【Goal of the Game】

Purchase supplies!

Create your coffee recipe, and set your price!

You can change your coffee price during the day! You should keep an eye on what potential customers think as they walk by and keep an eye on what your customers think right after they taste your coffee. 

You can get the result every day, so you can analyze the data!


I leanred how many people buy the coffee is depend on price, reputation, and weather.

Finally I had $817.75 , so I made $787.75.

It's about 25 times than day 1!

I am an awesome business student!!!

Can you make more profit than me?

【Pros + and Cons -】

(+) Making money on the game is interesting even I can not get money.
(+) It is free even it is high quality.
(+) You can study business and analyzing data. 

(-) This is very simple, so it will not be good for MBA student.
(-) I played this game more than 5 times. If you play too much, you will not finish your homework.


I give this game 10/10

It is a very interesting game, and it improved my brain!

I recommend you to play this game if you want to be rich!!!


  1. Thank you for sharing this game review! I think it is good for business students!

  2. Thank you for your review of this game :) I am also a business student and I think this game could be a simple simulation of having a business. Playing a simulation game is beneficial because you could learn in a very simple way.

  3. the game is good for learning business! thank you for sharing

  4. This game looks very fun to play! I love playing games like this!! I would love to play this in my free time!! Thank you for sharing :)




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