I Found a Great Free Game (Cargo Bridge2)

I Found a Great Free Game

(Cargo Bridge 2)

Today, I'm going to show you a great game. 
It's free and it's also great for learning about architecture.

You can play it for free here 

This is my design for level 8 

【Bridge Design】

9 ropes
6 pieces of steel
8 pieces of wood
7 walks (floor pieces)
$58 left


I completed level 8 ! It took 20 seconds, so I got bonus points! My score was 861!!!

Bob is wondering.........He made an awesome bridge!!!

Can you save more money than me?  Please try this game out !


  1. Hi Ryotaro! Good job in building the bridge, it looks awesome. Anyways, I was curious how long can the bridge stay if you placed Bob and the elephant in the center, maybe you can try it out and share the results with us :)

  2. Wow! That is such an excessive bridge design. It looks indeed strong!




I Found a Great Free Game 2 : Coffee Shop

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