Smartphone case made by Kimono fabric Analysis

My research topic: Smartphone case made by Kimono fabric
Target : Japanese University students
Number of respondents : (13)

(Summary) Students answered 8 questions about smartphone case made by Kimono fabric.

(Questions and analysis)


I didn't think 38.5% people want to buy a smartphone case made by Kimono's fabric. 

I thought less than 25% people want to buy a smartphone case made by Kimono's fabric.


Many people like white, black and red. I think they are colors of iPhone.

I forgot to put gold and silver on the survey.

Producing white, black, and red product will be good.


I think this result is balanced. Some people really want to buy a smartphone case made by Kimono's fabric. 

Some people don't want to buy a smartphone case made by Kimono's fabric. 


I learned high price must be high quality, and customers don't need high quality when they buy a medium and low price products from this result. 

♯5 and ♯6

I analyzed number 5 and number 6 at the same time.

These results will not be an important information because many people answered different answers.


I was not surprised by  ideas for new names because they are not interesting names. They are boring names.

Choosing a new name for a product or store is very important, but I will not choose a new name from them.


There are many great advices. Many people gave me an idea that Smartphone case made by Kimono fabric sell to tourists from foreign countries.

Smartphone case made by Kimono fabric will be a good souvenir.


I enjoyed organizing this survey. I got some important information to produce Smartphone case made by Kimono fabric .

I am the member of Kimono Seminal. I think Kimono company's executives and marketing managers in Japan would be very interested and want to get the results.

Especially if they want to expand Kimono market to young Japanese people and foreigners.


  1. I was surprised to see more than half of respondents bought a new phone case in a half year.

  2. Interesting survey! It was surprising how they are not interested in Kimono phone cases.

  3. Hi Ryotaro! thank you for your survey analysis. I agree with most of your respondents that it could sell well among foreigners because they could purchase it as a souvenir. I am from Indonesia and I am really interested if you would sell the products someday because I like kimono designs.

  4. It's good to know what kind of product customers want (color, price range). After conducting such a survey your company will be able to focus on the "winning products" so you can save time & money. Nice Survey!

  5. Being a citizen of a country that has cultural diversity myself, I find this survey topic interesting. I think this survey results can be beneficial for any businessman who wants to enter kimono fabric-designed phone case. If the businessman wants to target Japanese, I think he/she has to be concerned on the strength and durability of the product. Instead of using kimono fabric, he/she can use the pattern as their competitive advantage.

  6. Thank you for your comment!!!




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